Saturday, May 29, 2010

You know you're an ENTP when..

1. You can out debate someone who has the right answer, knowingly using the wrong answer, and win.

2. You see people you know studying hours for a test while you are playing video games or other forms of procrastination and read maybe one page of the textbook. Then they become angry at you for getting a better grade.

3. You manage manage money for other people better than you manage your own.

4. Somebody calls you a jerk and you think it's a compliment. (You're A Jerk - New Boyz totally applies)

5. You actually do have a heart. It just has magical powers of invisibility.

6. Your teacher tells you you did a good job BSing your way through your last test.

7. Your music library consists of country, rap, opera, indie, movie soundtracks, pop and bagpipes

8. You will be incredibly loyal in a relationship, but when treated badly, even unconsciously, you're gone in the blink of an eye, leaving the people around you to wonder 'what happened?'

9. You have a low boredom threshold.

10. You just move on quickly in general.

11. You have little respect for rules that fail to serve a useful purpose.

12. You are always searching for logical meaning.

13. You try to help someone when they just want you to listen.

14. You tend to be narcissistic.

15. You get kicks from seeing people's reactions.

16. You make a big deal out of nothing for entertainment purposes.

17. Your constant pointing out the truth tends to hurt people that can't accept the truth.

18. You've been told you're cold by somebody you've been loyal to for ages, hence leaving you in amazement at the ignorance of society.

19. You think you can be everywhere at the same time.

20. You prefer arguing about things you don't know, only to test your intuition and sharpen your ego.

21. You think the work of infamous criminals is interesting/cool.

22. You really really don't like stupid people.

23. You really really don't like stupid people who think they're not stupid.

24. You often have 50+ tabs open in Firefox (sometimes even 100+). Or when you leave a tab open with the intent to read it later, have it opened for days, only to give up after a week or so, after admitting to yourself you'll never actually get around to read it.

25. You spend more than five minutes in a room, you develop several plans in case you're attacked in the room and at least one involves you fighting ninjas. Your friends ask you what you're thinking, you tell them and their response is WTH !?

26. You see things that others don't.

27. You set yourself a really exciting and inspired goal, and the next day you've totally forgotten and/or lost interest, and you don't care.

28. You have actually given serious thought to which type would make a good partner in world domination, and you have strong beliefs on the topic.

29. People start telling you that events begin a half hour to an hour earlier than they actually do in order to get you to arrive on time.

30. You spend four hours researching and learning about completely random topics instead of revising for your exams!

31. When you... Sorry, I decided to go do something else mid-sentence.

32. You are good at analysis.

33. You are known for your quest of the novel and complex.

34. Smaller issues irritate you but you regard larger issues as a challenge to overcome.

35. You like who you are, and you appreciate individualism.

36. You are regarded as the 'lawyer' type as you are quick to understand and analyze a situation for what it really is.

37. You enjoy playing devil's advocate.

38. You are known to cut corners and think nothing of it.

39. You admire talented people over the hardworking.

40. You tend to have excellent communication skills.

41. You have many ENFP friends and you spend most of your time with them.

42. You have close ISTJ friends yet their exceptionally overcritical attitude tends to irritate you.

43. You know people who will do anything to prove you wrong. Even argue that you're wrong, when they know you're right.


Anonymous said...

This is very accurate and true.....

Anonymous said...

This is very accurate and true.....