Monday, February 15, 2010

Show me what you're worth.

Dignity is the most crucial component in creating a worthy self-respecting human being. One must respect themselves, and have faith in their abilities. I consider it disgusting when the people around me feel the need to trample their dignity in order to feel accepted. Those revolting creatures I am hesitant to classify as human are so low, very soon their soles will incinerate from contact with the blazing core. Two things I despise; lack of dignity, pride or self respect and slime. When I imagine these people, I picture slime dripping from the corner of their mouths eroding lines of repulsiveness around the hole in their face. Not an exaggeration. Personally, I'd rather be an obnoxious, self-obsessed individual in comparison to a, as harsh as it may sound, following desperate walkover, or any related behaviour that lacks such dignity. In my opinion, individuals without individuality can barely be classified as human. I have no respect whatsoever for those lowlife creatures who are willing to sacrifice their dignity for pathetic factors such as the acceptance of others. The loss of pride occurs when we get caught up in trying to get others to admire, like, love or accept us. We attempt to avoid rejection at all costs. Through our sickening insecurities we try to coerce or force others into accepting us. It is this type of behaviour that immediately deteriorates from the amount of respect we receive from others. Those who live for the approval of others, might as well cease to live. If you cannot be your own person, you do not deserve to exist.

Pride itself however, is a dangerous attribute. Excessive pride has been known to hinder relationships, cause unnecessary controversy and encourage a superiority complex. It is at this point, pride starts becoming a detriment to ones emotional success. This is when one must begin to control their dignity and prevent these characteristics from developing into true self obsession. Self obsession during a casual day and place is acceptable. It can be used as humour, a conversation topic or to spice up the moment. It is when worst comes to worst, when controversies arise and friction is created that one is able to judge the true character of an individual. It is possible for one to wallow in self-obsession, yet during their moments of truth, transform into a calm - to even the point of being cold or sinister - individual. Pride is fundamental to earning respect, and I'd rather be respected than liked. Of course I'd like to liked, I am human after all. However, respect is regard to a whole new level. Respect reflects the quality of the person, while portraying their ability to remain individualistic. Self-respect determines ones place in society, those with dignity are immediately categorized above those who lack this crucial attribute; regardless of colour, ethnicity, religion, social status, wealth and education. Dignity is the true deciding factor used to categorize people in the most effective manner possible, based on their self-respect.

Dignity is the ability
to stand strong and tall
in the face of adversity
While being able
to bow to the elderly
and crawl with the children

Dignity is taking a stand
for your beliefs
without closing your mind
to another’s opinion

is being an example
by your deeds
and through your words
avoiding anger and lies

will manifest itself
in the warmth of your smile
the depth of your love
and the kindness for your fellowman

- Mychal Wynn